Do I have to sew to REPURPOSE something?

With two immediate family members getting married in the next two weeks, I may be a little scarce around here so I thought I’d pass along some blog-love and show you some ideas that don’t include fabric.

I’ve mostly been into fabric lately, but that doesn’t mean my mind isn’t constantly working on ideas for other things lying around too!

A recent commenter, recently took this:



and created this:


Or how about REPURPOSING all those old CD cases lying around?


“From the book Photocraft: Cool Things to Do with the Pictures You Love: Scan or crop your images to the size of a CD case (5 3/8 in. wide by 4 5/8 in. high) then print on good photopaper and trim. We recommend using standard (not slim) cases. Discard plastic inserts. 

Back each photo with cardboard or foam board and snap the cases shut. Attach them to the wall with 3-inch strips of sticky-back hood-and-loop fasteners (such as Velcro). ”

Those of you who speak French, might be inspired by this site:


Anything lying around your house that you could look at differently?


Repurposing Trends

…There are alot of places to find inspiration for repurposing old items. Google is my best friend these days when I find myself with something to repurpose….

Take for instance – ZIPPERS.

Wouldya ever have thought about this?????



Brooches and the like from ZIPPERS…..see more here


REPURPOSED on Facebook


Repurposing Inspiration from other Artists

…I’ve go two weddings in our immediate family in the next month, so I’ve been busy, busy, busy….there will be a few projects to share, but just not yet so I don’t spoil any surprises!

In the meantime, here are two websites to look at for repurposing inspiration!

This ARTIST uses old glassware to create chandeliers!


ooooh the possibilities!

And something a little more local….my good friend Kim has recently made some purses out of old BOOKS! 

You can give her a shout out right here and I’ll make sure she reads it!


Inspiring for sure!  She is also a very talented photographer and artist in many other forms as well… me encourage her to showcase her work on the world wide web!


Linking Love – for creativity

I’m still away from home, and linking to favorite sites I like to visit.

Today is all about where I go to be creatively inspired


I could lose hours at this site.  Lots of ideas ranging from the very simple-can-be-done-in-an-evening to much more complicated.



The folks over at Burda have done something very wonderful on their site – they have posted a User Creations section where people can upload their attempts at Burda creations, or just post things they’ve made up.  Loads of creative energy here!


Sarah over at The Thrift Decor Chick rocks my world ( for obvious reasons!) ….I think we’d get along swell in real life!



And, just to get you thinking, I like checking out this site regularly….its from the UK, but they come up with some pretty interesting ideas for items in the comments….


Linking Love….more blogs to share

I’m still away from home, so here are some more links to blogs I try to read fairly often….

Carla is a childhood friend – we’ve not seen each other in over 20 years I’m sure and have just recently hooked up again on-line.

Carla writes an interesting blog for moms who never thought they would be living like a single mom, even though they are married….her husband travels alot and that leaves most things around the house and 4 kids being homeschooled, her direct responsibility.



I like to see what Meredith is up to pretty regularly…I love her short little blog posts and ideas for frugal entertaining and decorating!



Foul language meter ranks a bit high on this one, but yours might too, if within 24 hours you went from an expectant father to a single one.

Matt Logelin’s wife Liz had a normal pregnancy and delivered the delightful Madeline to a proud and first-time father.  Within 24 hours Liz died from a heart related complication.

Now Matt struggles with single parenthood and writes about his day to day happenings….just recently he has started a foundation to help other single-by-death parents….it’s worth reading…


Linking Love….

While I’m out of town for a few days, I thought I’d take a post or two and add some linking love to sites that I like to visit….

Check them out, you might find a new read!


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you already know about this great site:


It’s hard to not fall in love with Ree’s city-girl-now-countrified life.


I’ve been reading about Barb ever since she febreezed her dog….She is a busy Nana who has started a sewing business on the side.  She’s also trying to quit smoking right now, so if you have a minute, drop by and leave her an encouraging word.


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